
Bart Sears' DRAWING POWERFUL HEROES: Brutes and Babes!

Created by Ominous Press

Master illustrator Bart Sears taught an entire generation to draw with his acclaimed art lessons. Now those lessons, plus new tutorials, have been collected in Drawing Power Heroes Volume 1. The companion volume, Black Book: The Art of Bart Sears, is the premier collection of Bart's art!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Post Irma Update!
over 7 years ago – Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 09:16:29 PM

Hello, Brute Force!

I wanted to get you an update as we get closer to the finish line on Drawing Powerful Heroes! Unfortunately, I had to evacuate my home and office due to the impact of Hurricane Irma in Florida. Thankfully, my family and I are safe, and the damage was minimal. I know many people had it much worse, and are still dealing with the havoc wrought by Irma, so we consider ourselves fortunate. Things are finally back up and running at the office, but the time lost has set back our production on both Drawing Powerful Heroes and the The Black Book: The Art of Bart Sears.

The process of redesigning all the original pages, as well as adding new content, has been a painstaking one. But my team and I are doing everything we can do make these books perfect for you. Both books will be completed in the next few weeks, proofed, and then sent off to the printers. Depending on the print schedule, we expect to have them in hand by December, and will start shipping out immediately.

Everyone involved sincerely apologizes for the delays the project has incurred. I know you're anxious to get these books in hand, and we're anxious to get them to you. We're working as quickly as we can, but we don't want to sacrifice quality for sheer expediency. We think you'll be very pleased with the finished product. Thank you for your continued patience ... and keep drawing!

over 7 years ago – Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 05:22:35 AM

To all the Drawing Powerful Heroes awesome backers,

Thought you might enjoy seeing this art process image... for the five brand new tutorials included in DPH we needed a new updated  B&B logo. This is how we got there...

Brutes and Babes new logo art process
Brutes and Babes new logo art process

One thing to note: see how Babe's pose changed from the gesture/rough pencil art to the pencil art? Pose became more up and animated... more in character for Babe.

Producing this how-to book, and the black book, has been a ton of work, but well worth it - I could not be prouder of how it's all coming together.

Can't wait to show it off... soon!!!

All my best,


over 7 years ago – Sun, Sep 03, 2017 at 12:50:50 AM

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer, whether at work or play! We’ve been pushing hard building Drawing Powerful Heroes (and the Black Book: The Art of Bart Sears). It’s turning out to be a fun, very involved and interesting process.

We've had many discussions with our main designer, and we've made a few design changes to the look of the finished pages for DPH; probably the most visible change is that we've decided to drop the ghosted imagery behind the tutorial content as it became clear, page after page, that it was just too distracting, taking attention away from the educational content. We've opted for a cleaner, crisper look.

Here are a couple of pages of brand spankin' new tutorial content to check out. They reflect our newest design direction, but it's possible it may still be tweaked further before we lock the book for print!

These haven't been final proofed, so please be kind... ;) 

Ideal Female Proportion
Ideal Female Proportion


Different Female Proportion
Different Female Proportion

Hope you enjoy!

Things are going extremely well and personally I couldn't be more excited to finally hold these books in my eager little hands.

I’m still in awe that so many of you supported this project and have made it such a remarkable success. I am deeply grateful. We are working overtime to make certain these books exceed every expectation.


All my best,


Summer greetings, Brute Force! + Sample Tutorial page spread!
over 7 years ago – Sat, Jul 08, 2017 at 01:25:33 AM

With the official start of summer just around the corner, we wanted to reach out and again express our sincere thanks for your generous support! We'll be spending the summer putting together both "Drawing Powerful Heroes" and the "Black Book: The Art of Bart Sears," working with our editor and designer to make these books the showpieces we envision. We're sorting through piles ... well, actually files ... of artwork, choosing how to best present all this material.

Once we've made these books as perfect as we can make them, we'll be sending them off to the printer in order to get them in your hands for autumn. We'll keep you posted with our progress, and offer up sneak peeks when we can. Again, thank you for all your support!

All my best,


Drawing Powerful Heroes Tutorial
Drawing Powerful Heroes Tutorial